Single 「シングル」と家族/縁(えにし)の人類学的研究


5年に一度の人類学・民族学で最大の国際会議IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) 2013 が2013年8月5日から10日まで、イギリス・マンチェスターで開催されます。本プロジェクトでもセッションを組むことになりました。
Diversity of meaning of being 'single' in the globe: drastic changes of the way of life, human relations, and kinship

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Manchester, UK; 5th-10th August 2013

Panel General (G21)
Diversity of meaning of being 'single' in the globe: drastic changes of the way of life, human relations, and kinship

Convenors: Wakana Shiino (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

<Short Abstract>
The purpose of this session is to highlight plural meanings of being 'single' in different societies. We will reflect on the current situations of our livings through the lens of various singles of the globe.

<Long Abstract>
With the rapid globalization and urbanization, patterns of our lifestyles, social customs and our relationships are changing drastically. We no longer stay at one particular place for all our lives. Instead, we always shift our place to another looking for better jobs or better places to live intentionally or inevitably. At the same time, more and more people are travelling in search of their marriage partners. Who wouldn't doubt that 'traditional' marriage system and 'family' still exist? Is it the common trend that dwellers in cities will become 'single' in the world? In developed countries, the rate of single household is getting high because of low birthrate and longevity etc.
On the other hand, recently some people seemed to start to look for "quasi-family" or "quasi-kinship" by imitating their traditional kinship model to try to have new relationship.
In this session, we will focus on our experiences of social and physical interruptions in different situations and places in order to examine the contexts of being single or becoming single. Moreover, we will reflect on the current situations of our livings through the lens of various singles of this globe. We invite any ethnographic papers on being single of any societies or any situations.

DATE : 2012.07.02


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